Locksmith Scam in Edmonton
Illegitimate locksmith scam websites offering services in Edmonton and all over Alberta have started to become more of problem in the last few years. As we have been working on growing our web presence at Fineline Locksmithing, it’s hard to ignore and quite frustrating to be competing with illegal scammy businesses.
Offers of $15 and $19 service calls lure people who are trying to find the most economical option to deal with a problem. Perhaps the worst part of it is, is scammer smiths frequently target people who are in an emergency situation. House lock outs, car lock outs, and after hours calls are favorites of these unscrupulous companies. After the service is complete the technician writes a huge bill to the customer.
Please don’t call anyone offering a $15 service call. $15 isn’t enough to sustain any kind of legal locksmith business no matter how big or small they are. A service call in Edmonton should be between $75-$125.
I’d like to post the names of these websites, but I don’t want to make them any more visible than they are now.
Out of the top 10 results on Google (searching locksmith edmonton) there are 3-4 legit locksmiths and about 7 scammers. This makes it hard for anyone to differentiate between honest businesses and un-ethical ones.
How to find a legitimate locksmith anywhere in Alberta
So how do you know who is an honest, legitimate locksmith? The best way is to check the Professional Locksmiths Association of Alberta. The second place you can verify ANY legitimate locksmith business is the Alberta Solicitor General website here. If they aren’t listed on the Solicitor General’s website, then they are not operating legally.
Curtis Taitinger, CJL
Fineline Locksmithing